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MBR Sewage Treatment Plant

MBR Sewage Treatment Plant

MBR sewage treatment plant is a complete MBR set of equipment for sewage and wastewater treatment. It separates the water from biochemical reactor tank.


MBR sewage treatment plant is a complete MBR set of equipment for sewage and wastewater treatment. It separates the water from biochemical reactor tank. Water can permeate the tiny pore and activated sludge entrapped in tank, so it can greatly improve the system’s ability to degrade pollutants. The water quality from the MBR sewage treatment plant is very stable excellent. The filtered water can be reused for non-drinking purposes, like car washing, watering, gardening, cleaning, irrigation etc. A significant advantage of the membrane bioreactor process is that the sludge solids are completely retained in the bioreactor. Membrane’s pore size (0.04 or 0.1 µm) ensure that the treated effluent is of very high clarity and significantly reduced pathogen concentration. MBR sewage treatment plant provides a substantially clarified and disinfected effluent of high enough quality to be discharged to sensitive receiving bodies or to be reclaimed for applications such as urban irrigation, utilities or toilet flushing. Lastly, the longer solids retention times tend to provide better biotreatment overall. The conditions encourage the development of the slower-growing microorganisms, specifically nitrifiers. It is especially effective at the biological removal of ammonia (nitrification).

Design parameter:

Items PH COD(mg/L) BOD(mg/L) NH3N(mg/L) TP (mg/L) TSS(mg/L) Turbidity
Influent 6-9 500 200 30 3 200
Effluent 6-9 ≤25 ≤5 ≤5 0.5 ≤5 ≤2NTU

Note: effluent quality satisfy Chinese national standards GB/T 18920-2002 and Class 1-A of GB/T

Standard specification:

Model Capacity(m3/d) Effective area(m2) Module size(mm)
SKID100 100 330 2200 x 750 x1750
SKID200 200 660 2200 x 1600 x 1750
SKID300 300 1000 2500 x 1600 x 2200
SKID400 400 1320 2200 x 1600 x 2500
SKID500 500 1750 2500 x 1700 x 2500