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Package Sewage Treatment Plant

Package Sewage Treatment Plant

Package wastewater treatment plant is an integrated system usually with combination of MBR and biology.


Package Sewage treatment plant is an integrated system usually with combination of MBR and biology. The advantage such as: intelligent automation, less surplus sludge, low operation, small footprint,excellent and stable permeate quality, modular integration and etc. It is suitable for small sewage and wastewater treatment and modular unit(MBR)  for large projects. The package wastewater treatment plant system usually include anoxic tank, aeration tank, MBR tank and equipment room, control system and etc.

Water Quality:

Parameter COD   (mg/L) BOD   (mg/L) Turbidity (NTU) NH3-N  (mg/L) Coliform (cfu/100Ml)
Inlet 500 300 50 10000
Outlet 30 5 0.5 10 3

Application of  Package Sewage treatment plant:

1.Domestic sewage treatment
2.Municipal wastewater treatment
3.Industrial wastewater treatment
4.Laundry wastewater treatment
4.Laundry wastewater treatment
6.Slaughter wastewater treatment

7.Plating wastewater treatment
8.Chemical wastewater treatment
9.Food influent treatment
10.Oil field wastewater treatment
11.Effluent recycling
12.Hospital wastewater treatment

What is the benefit of using MBR technology?
The membrane bioreactor process eliminates gravels and solids to advance water quality and diminish sludge management costs at water and wastewater management plant. The gravel management machinery defend downstream procedures, cutting preservation and preventing blockage and testimony and the sludge management yields advance dewatering and decrease solid treatment. So these are the benefits of using MBR technology.

Hot Tags: package wastewater treatment plant, China, manufacturers, suppliers, factory, customized, made in China


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