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Ammonia Remove Membrane for Ultra Filtration Water Treatment

Ammonia Remove Membrane for Ultra Filtration Water Treatment

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Experts of Engineering and Biology made many achievements in wastewater treatment technology. The new-age methods can produce a massive volume of semi-clean water for irrigation and washing needs. The world-class and super-efficient industrial sewage water processing plants incorporate Ammonia Remove Membrane, PTFE membrane distillation, and ultrafiltration

Ultrafiltration Water Treatment
What do you need to know about the ultrafiltration water treatment?

What do you need to know about the ultrafiltration water treatment?

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Ultrafiltration water treatment is a form of membrane filtration similar to reverse osmosis by separating the solid particles from the sources that influence the liquid. This process is between microfiltration and nanofiltration in terms of particle size removal. They are used as primary filters for other

MABR Biofilm Main Function

MABR Biofilm Main Function


Overview of the main functional flora of MABR biofilms ,MABR biofilm has the advantages of nitrogen removal, carbon removal and phosphorus removal.The working condition dominates the structure composition and distribution of the top-level community.By changing the operating parameters, the distribution ratio of main bacteria groups