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MBR Water Treatment

MBR Water Treatment


Hydro Blue MBR water treatment change sewage into clean water even can be utilized as irrigation water for instance. Hydro Blue package sewage treatment plant empowers the systems to be incorporated in a characteristic, pleasant environment. Our determination of a packaged treatment plant offers the client a pre-built and pre-developed technique for treating wastewater with a rigorous procedure. The last emanating can be discharged securely into nature, for example, lakes, waterways, and so forth.MBR water treatment as a sewage treatment technology, it combines MBR and biology. It normally includes anoic,aeration tank,MBR tank and equipment room, control system. And the advantages as the following: Low running cost,small footprint,excellent&stable permeate quality,less surplus sludge and intelligent automation etc.

Parameter COD (mg/L) BOD (mg/L) NH3N(mg/L) Turbidity(NTU) Coliform(cfu/100ml)
Inlet 500 300 50 10000
Outlet 30 5 10 0.5 3

The benefits of use MBR water treatment:
There are a large number of industries that utilize many harmful chemicals in their factories. All these chemicals are also combined with the water inside the factories for different purposes. This polluted water containing chemicals is very much harmful to human beings. If a person drinks that water, then there are very few chances that he may survive.

Well, this polluted water is released to the rivers and lacks without proper filtration that pollutes the pure water resources as well. This thing more enhances the danger to mankind.

On the other hand, if these industries use biological sewage treatment plants that contains hollow fiber membrane, then the polluted water will be released into pure water sources after being filtered which will not pollute the water resources and they will remain safe and healthy to drink.

Hot Tags: MBR water treatment, China, manufacturers, suppliers, factory, customized, made in China,


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